How to Make Money With the Unbounce Affiliate Program?

Do you want to make some extra money? If you’re an internet marketer, then you should definitely check out the Unbounce affiliate program. This program offers 20% recurring commissions per referral, making it one of the most lucrative affiliate programs.

As an affiliate partner, you’ll have access to resources and tools to promote Unbounce and track your performance.

In this guide, we will teach you how to make money with the Unbounce affiliate program and start generating some serious profits.

Why It Is Easier To Promote Unbounce

unbounce affiliate partner program

Unbounce is the most popular landing page builder software in the market. Its many features powered by artificial intelligence make it the most popular choice for marketers.

Furthermore, Unbounce is trusted by over 1,500 companies worldwide, making it a highly credible program to promote as an affiliate partner.

Using your unique referral link, you’ll be able to track clicks and conversions from new users that sign up through your link. With such insightful data available at your fingertips, you can optimize your campaigns and make more money with the Unbounce affiliate program.

No other landing page builder is compatible with Unbounce and this makes it easier for you to promote the product.

It is perfect for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and businesses looking to maximize their online presence. With Unbounce, you can easily create conversions-focused landing pages that can help boost sales and generate more leads.

This makes Unbounce the perfect product to promote and earn money with.

As an Unbounce partner, you’ll make 20% recurring revenue per sale. That’s a great way to make passive income every month.

Revenue Share Breakdown

unbounce affiliate program commission structure

The Unbounce affiliate program offers a commission share breakdown of 20% recurring. That means you get to keep 20% of the revenue for each successful referral.

For example, if you refer someone who signs up for Monthly Plan worth $240, then your commission will be $48 per month.

Imagine if you acquired 20 customers you’ll earn $960 per month, which is a great way to make passive income every single month.

Similarly, If you refer someone who signs up for an annual plan worth $2160, then your commission will be $432 per year.

Unlike other affiliate programs, Unbounce does not have a cap on the commission you can earn. This means you can scale up your earnings and make a lot of money with the Unbounce affiliate program.

And it’s pricing plan is affordable and flexible, making it easier to generate more sales and referrals.

The Unbounce affiliate program is extremely lucrative and great for those who are looking to make some extra money on the side.

It offers an excellent commission structure, flexible pricing plans, useful resources, and tools to track your performance. Plus, you can easily scale up your earnings and make a lot of money with this affiliate program.

Tips for maximizing your revenue potential as Unbounce Affiliate

As an Unbounce affiliate, there are a few key tips to keep in mind that can help you maximize your commissions and earn more money:

• Promote the Unbounce platform widely. Share the benefits of the product across multiple channels and platforms such as social media, email newsletters, or blog posts.

• Leverage existing relationships with customers and partners. If you already have connections in your network who could benefit from Unbounce’s features, reach out to them directly and explain why partnering with Unbounce would be beneficial for their business.

• Create content specifically about how businesses can use Unbounce to improve their online presence. This could include case studies, webinars, webpages, and more.

• Track your performance as an affiliate. Use the Unbounce dashboard to monitor how many referrals you have sent, how much revenue they’ve generated, and any other important metrics.

By taking these steps and staying active in the Unbounce community, you’ll be well on your way to making a great income with their affiliate program

How To Join Unbounce Affiliate Partner Program?

Step 1: Register with Unbounce on Partnerstack

The first step in joining the Unbounce Partner Program is registering with them as an affiliate. You can do this on their website

Once registered, you’ll have access to the Partnerstack dashboard which contains all the resources and tools needed to promote Unbounce products and services. Here, you’ll also be able to track your performance in real-time via the dashboard.

To manage its affiliate program Unbounce uses Partnerstack, a software platform for managing and tracking affiliate programs. It also gives you access to other affiliate programs from other companies.

Partnerstack is a great affiliate tracking platform as it gives you full transparency of your performance with Unbounce. You can track the number of clicks, sign-ups, sales generated, and payouts for each month.

So, you’ll be able to easily measure your results and see how much money you’re making with the Unbounce affiliate program.

Step 2: Promote Unbounce

how to join unbounce affiliate program

Here are some of the best strategies to get started:

Start blogging and create content that is related to Unbounce. You can write reviews or tutorials on how people can use Unbounce’s services in order to make money online.

Make sure your blog posts are SEO optimized so more people will be able to find them when searching for keywords related to Unbounce.

Send it to your email list. If you already have an email list or newsletter, let your subscribers know about the Unbounce landing page builder. You can also offer special promotions to incentivize people to sign up through your link.

Take advantage of email marketing by sending personalized emails to your list that feature a link back to Unbounce. Be sure to include some compelling copy in order to spark interest in the product or service you are promoting.

Lastly, consider investing in paid advertising such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to get more targeted traffic back to your website or blog. This will enable you to reach a larger audience of potential customers who may be interested in signing up for Unbounce’s services through your link.

By following these steps, you will be able to make money with the Unbounce affiliate program and increase your income.

Step 3: Take advantage of promotional materials:

Unbounce provides you with a plethora of promotional materials to help you get started. These include banners, links, email swipes, and more that you can use in your own campaigns.

With these tools at your disposal, it will be easier for you to generate referrals and make money through the Unbounce affiliate program.

The key is to create content that resonates with your audience: The most successful affiliates are those who understand their target audience and create content specifically tailored towards them.

Whether it’s an informative blog post or a detailed video tutorial on how to use Unbounce features – creating relevant content is the best way to drive conversions through the affiliate program.

Step 4: Monitor Your Performance

Once you’ve set up your campaigns and started promoting Unbounce, it’s important to keep an eye on your performance. You can do this by regularly checking the Partnerstack dashboard for stats such as clicks, sign-ups, sales generated, and payouts.

Monitoring your performance will allow you to make necessary adjustments in order to maximize your earnings with the Unbounce affiliate program.

Additionally, you should always stay updated with any changes or updates that may be released by Unbounce which could impact how their services are used and promoted.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to make the most out of Unbounce’s affiliate program and increase your income.


Overall, the Unbounce affiliate program is a great way to make money online. With generous commissions and plenty of promotional materials at your disposal, you can create successful campaigns that will bring in more sales and revenue.

To get started, it’s important to understand your audience and tailor content specifically for them. Additionally, keep track of your performance so you can adjust accordingly in order to maximize conversions. With the right strategies in place, you’ll be able to make the most out of Unbounce’s affiliate program and increase your income.

Ready to get started with Unbounce?

Ready to give Unbounce a try? Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer. Use our special Unbounce coupon code link and unlock up to a 35% discount, plus enjoy a 14-day free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it worth joining the Unbounce partner program?

Yes, it is worth joining the Unbounce partner program. With generous 20% recurring commissions and plenty of promotional materials at your disposal, you can create successful campaigns that will bring in more sales and revenue.

How much can I expect to earn with the Unbounce affiliate program?

The amount you can expect to earn depends on various factors such as the amount of traffic you get to your website or blog, the quality of content you create, and the strategies you use.

However, with a 20% recurring commission per referral, there is potential to make a decent income over time.

How do I track my performance with the Unbounce affiliate program?

You can track your performance by regularly checking the Partnerstack dashboard for stats such as clicks, sign-ups, sales generated, and payouts. This will help you make necessary adjustments in order to maximize your earnings with the Unbounce affiliate program.

What kind of promotional materials are available?

Unbounce provides a variety of promotional materials such as banners, links, brand logos, email swipes, and more. These can be used in your own campaigns to help you generate referrals and make money with the Unbounce affiliate program.

How often do I receive payment from Unbounce?

You will be paid out each month when you reached the minimum payout threshold. Unbounce usually pays on the 13th of every month for the commissions earned in the previous month.

What type of content should I create in order to promote Unbounce’s services?

Content that resonates with your target audiences such as informative blog posts, detailed video tutorials on how to use Unbounce features, and more.

How can I monitor my performance?

You can check the Partnerstack dashboard regularly for stats such as clicks, sign-ups, sales generated, and payouts. This will allow you to make necessary adjustments in order to maximize your earnings with the Unbounce affiliate program.

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