Unbounce Vs Shopify: Which Platform is Best for Your Business?

Selecting the right platform can make or break your online business. Whether you’re launching a brand-new venture or looking to scale an existing one, the tools you choose will significantly impact your success.

Imagine building a house without the proper foundation—you wouldn’t get very far, right? The same applies to your online business.

That’s why choosing the right platform is crucial.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into comparing Unbounce and Shopify. By the end, you’ll clearly understand which platform aligns better with your business goals, whether you’re aiming to create high-converting landing pages or build a robust eCommerce store.

So, what exactly are Unbounce and Shopify? Unbounce is a landing page builder designed to help businesses craft and optimize pages that convert visitors into customers. On the other hand, Shopify is a comprehensive eCommerce platform that enables you to set up, manage, and grow an online store quickly. Both are powerful, but they serve different purposes.

Let’s explore which one is right for you.

Overview of Unbounce and Shopify

What is Unbounce?

unbounce coupon code: what is Unbounce

Unbounce is a dedicated landing page builder that has been helping businesses create high-converting pages since its launch in 2009. Founded in Vancouver, Canada, Unbounce was designed to make it easier for marketers to build and optimize landing pages without needing a developer.

Unbounce is designed to empower you to create, optimize, and test landing pages that drive conversions. Whether you’re running an ad campaign, promoting a product, or capturing leads, Unbounce provides the tools you need to build pages that convert, giving you the confidence to succeed in your marketing efforts.

Key features include a drag-and-drop builder, and Smart Copy, an AI-powered content generation tool that can help you create compelling copy for your landing pages. Unbounce also offers extensive integrations with tools like CRM systems and marketing platforms.

Pros and Cons of Unbounce:

  • Strengths: Unbounce is known for its ease of use, design flexibility, and conversion-focused features, such as A/B testing.
  • Limitations: However, it’s not an e-commerce platform and lacks full website functionality, making it less suitable for those needing more than landing pages.

What is Shopify?

what is shopify

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that has revolutionized online selling since its inception in 2006. Founded in Ottawa, Canada, Shopify was created to make it easy for anyone to set up and manage an online store, regardless of their technical skill level.

Shopify’s primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive solution for e-commerce businesses. It’s not just about creating a store but also about customizing it, managing inventory, processing payments, and executing marketing strategies. With Shopify, you can rest assured that every aspect of your e-commerce business is covered.

Key features include the ability to create an online store, secure payment processing, inventory management, and a suite of marketing tools.

Pros and Cons of Shopify:

  • Strengths: Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce solution that excels in scalability and offers a robust app ecosystem to extend its functionality.
  • Limitations: However, it offers less flexibility for non-e-commerce landing pages and can become costly as your business grows.

Unbounce Vs Shopify: Features comparison

Understanding the unique selling points of Unbounce and Shopify is crucial when choosing between them. Let’s break down how each platform excels in different aspects that matter to your business.

Ease of use

User interface and design experience:

Unbounce, designed with marketers in mind, offers a sleek, intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes landing page creation straightforward. Its user-friendly design, with a clean layout and clearly labelled tools, makes the design process feel more like playing with building blocks than coding a website, appealing even to those with limited technical skills.

On the other hand, Shopify is built to handle the complexity of running an entire online store. Its interface is also user-friendly but comes with more depth due to its extensive range of features. While it’s easy to navigate for basic tasks, managing a full-fledged store—like setting up products, configuring payment gateways, and tracking orders—requires more time to master.

Shopify’s design experience is more complex but accessible to non-technical users, especially with its helpful tutorials and support.

Learning curve for beginners and non-technical users:

Unbounce has a relatively gentle learning curve, especially for those familiar with digital marketing tools. Thanks to its intuitive interface and extensive library of tutorials and resources, new users can start building and optimizing landing pages almost immediately.

While accessible, Shopify has a steeper learning curve due to the breadth of its features. Setting up a store, customizing the design, and integrating various apps can take some time, particularly for beginners.

However, Shopify’s comprehensive support and active user community help ease this learning curve significantly, making the user feel supported and part of a community.

Customization options:

Unbounce shines in its flexible drag-and-drop editor’s ability to customize landing pages. Users can easily modify page elements, experiment with different layouts, and implement custom scripts for advanced functionality. However, customization is mainly limited to individual landing pages rather than full websites.

Shopify offers robust customization options, mainly through its theme editor, allowing users to tweak their entire store’s design. For those with coding knowledge, Shopify’s Liquid template language provides deeper customization capabilities, letting users create a fully personalized shopping experience.

Design and Templates

Variety and quality of templates:

Unbounce offers a solid selection of professionally designed templates for high conversion rates. These templates are categorized by industry and use case, making it easier for users to find a design that fits their needs. While the selection is not vast, the quality of templates is top-notch, ensuring that your landing pages look polished and professional.

However, Shopify boasts a much more extensive collection of free and paid themes catering to various industries and business models. These themes are not only visually appealing but also designed to create an engaging shopping experience, leaving a lasting impression on the user and attracting them to the platform.

Shopify’s template variety is one of its strong points, giving users the flexibility to choose a design that perfectly matches their brand.

Customization flexibility:

Unbounce’s customization is highly flexible, allowing users to modify nearly every aspect of their landing pages. Whether you want to change colours, fonts, or layouts, Unbounce makes it easy to tailor your pages to your brand’s identity.

Shopify also provides substantial customization options. Users can tweak their chosen theme using the theme editor or dive into the code for more advanced changes. However, extensive customization may require some HTML, CSS, and Shopify’s Liquid code knowledge.

Mobile responsiveness:

Both Unbounce and Shopify prioritize mobile responsiveness. Unbounce’s templates are designed to be mobile-friendly, with the platform offering a mobile view editor to ensure that your landing pages look great on all devices. This is crucial as mobile traffic continues to grow.

Shopify themes are also fully responsive, ensuring your online store looks and functions well on mobile devices. Given the importance of mobile shopping, Shopify’s emphasis on responsive design is a significant advantage.

Conversion tools

Unbounce’s focus on conversion rate optimization (CRO):

Unbounce is built around conversion rate optimization, making it an excellent choice for businesses that maximize leads and sales through landing pages. It offers a range of CRO tools, including popups, sticky bars, and advanced A/B testing. These features allow users to experiment with different elements to find the most effective combination for converting visitors into customers.

Shopify’s built-in sales and marketing tools:

While Shopify is less focused on CRO than Unbounce, it does provide robust sales and marketing tools designed to drive conversions. Features like abandoned cart recovery, upsell options and discount codes help boost sales by encouraging customers to complete their purchases and buy more products.

These built-in tools make Shopify a strong contender for businesses that want to integrate sales-driving tactics directly into their eCommerce platform.

Integration and ecosystem

Unbounce integrations:

Unbounce supports various integrations with CRM, email marketing, and analytics tools like Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Google Analytics. This allows businesses to connect their landing pages seamlessly with other essential marketing and sales tools, enhancing their overall digital marketing strategy.

Shopify’s app store and third-party integrations:

Shopify’s ecosystem is vast, thanks to its extensive app store with thousands of third-party integrations. From payment gateways and shipping providers to marketing tools and customer service apps, Shopify offers integrations for nearly every aspect of running an online store. This ecosystem is one of Shopify’s biggest strengths, enabling businesses to add features and functionality as they grow.

SEO and marketing capabilities

SEO tools and optimization potential:

Unbounce offers essential SEO tools to help optimize landing pages for search engines. However, since it’s primarily a landing page builder, its SEO capabilities are somewhat limited compared to full website builders. Nevertheless, users can optimize meta tags, alt text, and URLs to improve page rankings.

On the other hand, Shopify provides more comprehensive SEO tools tailored for eCommerce. Users can optimize product pages, blog posts, and overall site structure to enhance search engine visibility. Shopify also supports SEO-friendly practices like customizable URLs, meta descriptions, and automatic sitemap generation, which is essential for driving organic traffic to online stores.

Marketing features:

Unbounce excels in creating PPC landing pages to capture leads and drive conversions. It also integrates with various email marketing platforms and offers features like dynamic text replacement to tailor landing pages based on visitor keywords.

Shopify’s marketing capabilities are robust. It offers built-in tools for email marketing, social media integration, and automated marketing campaigns. Shopify also provides detailed analytics to track the performance of marketing efforts, allowing businesses to fine-tune their strategies for better results.

E-Commerce capabilities

Shopify’s full E-Commerce suite vs. Unbounce’s focus on lead generation:

Shopify is a complete eCommerce solution, offering everything from product management and payment processing to shipping and customer service features. Its full suite of eCommerce tools makes it ideal for businesses looking to sell products online and manage all aspects of their online store from a single platform.

While powerful in lead generation and conversion optimization, Unbounce is not built for eCommerce. It needs the tools to manage inventory, process payments, or handle customer support, making it less suitable for businesses focused on online sales.

Payment gateways, inventory management, and customer support features:

Shopify supports many payment gateways, including its own Shopify Payments, allowing businesses to accept payments using various methods. It also offers advanced inventory management tools, helping store owners keep track of stock levels, manage product variants, and automate reordering.

Additionally, Shopify’s customer support features, such as live chat and customer profiles, enhance the shopping experience.

Unbounce doesn’t offer these eCommerce-specific features, as its primary focus is landing page creation and conversion optimization rather than running an entire online store.

Which platform is right for your business?

Choosing between Unbounce and Shopify depends on your business’s needs and goals. Let’s break it down to help you decide.

Who should use Unbounce?

Unbounce is ideal for marketers laser-focused on lead generation and landing page optimization. If your primary goal is to create high-converting landing pages without needing a full-fledged online store, Unbounce is your go-to platform.

It’s perfect for companies prioritizing conversion rates through A/B testing, popups, or other CRO tools. If your business thrives on capturing leads and driving targeted traffic, Unbounce will help you achieve your goals.

Who should use Shopify?

Shopify is the right choice for businesses aiming to sell products online. Whether you’re an entrepreneur starting a new venture, a small to medium-sized business, or a larger enterprise, Shopify’s comprehensive eCommerce capabilities make it a robust solution.

It’s suitable for companies looking for an all-in-one platform that handles everything from inventory management to payment processing. Shopify provides the tools and scalability you need if you focus on building, managing, and growing an online store.

Pricing and Value for Money

Unbounce pricing tiers

Unbounce offers four primary pricing tiers tailored to different business needs:

  1. Launch Plan: Priced at around $99 per month, this plan is ideal for small businesses just starting to create landing pages. It includes features like unlimited conversions, access to the Smart Builder, and mobile-responsive designs. However, it lacks advanced features such as A/B testing and dynamic text replacement.
  2. Optimize Plan: At $149 per month, this plan adds A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and advanced conversion mapping. It’s suited for businesses needing more customization and optimization tools and allows up to 30,000 unique visitors per month.
  3. Accelerate Plan: For $249 per month, this plan includes everything in the Optimize Plan plus features like advanced targeting and scheduling, supporting up to 50,000 unique visitors. It’s designed for growing businesses with higher traffic demands.
  4. Concierge Plan: At $649 per month, this top-tier plan offers dedicated support with capabilities for over 100,000 visitors and up to 25 domains. It’s best suited for large enterprises requiring extensive support and scalability.

Shopify pricing tiers:

Shopify provides three main pricing plans:

  1. Basic Shopify: Priced at $39 per month, this plan offers everything needed to start an online store, including unlimited products, 24/7 support, and basic reports. It’s ideal for new businesses.
  2. Shopify Plan: At $105 per month, this plan adds professional reports and more staff accounts, making it suitable for growing businesses with more complex needs.
  3. Advanced Shopify: For $399 per month, this plan offers advanced report building and third-party calculated shipping rates, catering to larger businesses that need more control and insights.


When evaluating the cost-effectiveness of Unbounce versus Shopify, the total cost of ownership must be considered. Unbounce’s pricing is focused on conversion optimization, with additional costs potentially arising from integrations and scaling needs.

On the other hand, Shopify’s plans include essential e-commerce features, but additional apps and transaction fees may increase overall costs, especially as your business scales. Depending on your business needs, either platform can offer good value, but the choice depends on whether your priority is e-commerce or conversion rate optimization.

Pros and Cons

Unbounce Pros and Cons:


  • Conversion-focused features: Tools like A/B testing, popups, and dynamic text replacement make it ideal for optimizing landing pages.
  • Ease of use: The intuitive drag-and-drop builder allows even non-technical users to create and optimize landing pages quickly.
  • Flexibility: High degree of customization for landing pages to suit specific marketing campaigns.


  • Limited e-commerce capabilities: Unbounce is not designed for complete online store management and needs essential e-commerce features.
  • Potential costs for scaling: Advanced features and higher traffic volumes can lead to increased costs.

Shopify Pros and Cons:


  • Comprehensive e-commerce tools: Offers everything needed to create, manage, and scale an online store, including payment processing, inventory management, and customer support.
  • Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.
  • Large app ecosystem: Access to many apps and plugins to enhance store functionality.


  • There is less focus on conversion-specific tools. While it has some marketing tools, it lacks Unbounce’s deep conversion optimization features.
  • Potential complexity for non-e-commerce needs: The platform’s robust e-commerce focus can make it less flexible for businesses not primarily focused on online sales.

Real-world examples and case studies

Businesses thriving with Unbounce

Killer Infographics, a creative agency, successfully used Unbounce to improve its lead-generation efforts. Designing highly targeted landing pages and A/B testing different versions increased conversions by 25%.

Similarly, Zola, a wedding registry company, optimized its landing pages for specific marketing campaigns using Unbounce. This approach led to a significant boost in lead acquisition, proving how effective Unbounce can be for businesses focused on conversion rate optimization rather than direct sales.

Businesses thriving with Shopify

100% Pure, a natural cosmetics company, experienced a 40% year-over-year growth after transitioning to Shopify Plus. They leveraged Shopify’s robust API for inventory management and global operations, which enabled them to expand into new markets efficiently.

Another example is 2 Chainz, a hip-hop artist who used Shopify Plus to manage his merchandising business. By integrating real-time social media feedback, his team generated $2.1 million in sales within 30 days by iterating designs based on fan reactions.

These cases highlight Shopify’s effectiveness for large-scale e-commerce operations and dynamic, fast-paced retail environments​.

Final verdict – Unbounce or Shopify?

Choosing between Unbounce and Shopify depends mainly on your business’s primary focus. If your goal is lead generation and conversion optimization, Unbounce is the clear winner with its robust tools like A/B testing and dynamic text replacement. It’s an ideal choice for marketers who need to create and optimize landing pages without managing a full-fledged online store.

On the other hand, if you want to sell products online and need a comprehensive e-commerce solution, Shopify offers a robust and scalable platform. With its extensive app ecosystem, seamless payment processing, and inventory management, Shopify is perfect for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes aiming to grow their online sales.

Why not try them both?

Each platform offers a free trial, allowing you to explore its features and see which best meets your business needs. Dive into Unbounce’s landing page optimization tools or explore Shopify’s e-commerce capabilities firsthand and make an informed decision that drives your business forward.

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