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How To Start An Email List In 2023: Step By Step Guide

how to start an email list

Learn how Email marketing helps you build a relationship with your customers. Also, learn how it gives you a proven way to convert people into long-lasting customers.

No matter what type of business you operate, an email list is a successful marketing strategy. With that list, you can share your story and showcase your products, all can be done by turning subscribers into paying customers.

While email is one of the oldest digital marketing channels, with strong conversion rates across multiple industries. In fact, the average conversion rate for landing page traffic sent through email is over 6% and that is a huge audience.

Convincing someone to give you their email address is easier than convincing them to make a purchase. Because it doesn’t cost them anything I hope this article will be a great help with your strategy for building your email list.

What is an Email List?

A collection of addresses get from email subscribers that sign up. Email lists are a collection of personal email addresses that have been obtained from subscribers who are interested in receiving messages from a particular organization.

Subscribers can be gathered through various methods such as subscription forms on websites, or social media campaigns encouraging people to join the list to receive updates about new products and services.

Having an email list is essential to any business’s success as it allows organizations to send out personalized messages and updates directly to their desired audience.

Steps To Follow To Make An Email List

Excited about email yet? I am! Let’s now dive into the four steps you need to take to get started on your email marketing journey.

1) Choose Your Email Marketing Provider

If you plan to send emails as part of your business operations, it is essential that you select an email marketing provider instead of relying on a generic Gmail account. Not only will this provide you with the necessary tools needed to grow your list, but it will also ensure that you are compliant with existing email marketing regulations.

By choosing an email marketing service provider, you can access features such as automated campaigns and better segmentation options for targeted messaging, not to mention more reliable deliverability rates due to their use of dedicated IPs and SMTP relay setups.

You’ll have everything you need in one place including analytics data so that you can track the success of each campaign sent out. With the right provider in place, managing your email list will be a breeze.

Now that you know why it’s important to use an email marketing provider, let’s look at how to choose one.

2) Set Up Your Email Marketing Account

Sign up with your chosen email marketing provider. Then set it up.

3) Create An Opt-in Form For Your Website

You want people to sign up for your list through your website. You set up many platforms and then add them to your WordPress website.

In your form, you have to describe in a few words what people can expect when they sign up. Make it engaging as well as fun. Whatever you do, don’t just say “Sign up for my newsletter”, in fact, ask any question which provides them with any information or solution.

4) Write Your First Newsletter

Before you start sending out random notes, you want to promote them to your subscribers, and you have to think about how you can best serve them.

You have a huge opportunity to provide value to your subscribers. When someone says, I like you to give you my email address, now it’s your responsibility to ensure that they make progress.

5) Create A Welcome Message

Your welcome message is the first email your new subscribers will get automatically and confirm their subscription. Here, as usual, first impression matter. That’s why you have to put some great effort into your welcome message.

You want to acknowledge how grateful you are, in your message, to the folks who actually took the time to subscribe to your list. You will also offer a special discount on your shop or next workshop.

Next, tell your new subscribers what they can expect when they are on your list. Weekly updates? Or invites to upcoming workshops? Exclusive deals with super discounts? You want them to get excited, and finally, don’t forget to include a photo of you to make your message clear.

6) Design A Freebie

Offer your potential clients an exciting gift by providing them with a freebie. This will help to build trust and connection between you and the customer. It does not have to be extravagant; something that is helpful, inspiring, or simply thoughtful can go a long way in forming a bond with those on your email list.

Make sure that whatever freebie you choose is one that will leave a lasting impression on your clients, encouraging them to keep coming back for more.

Entice potential customers to sign up for your email list by offering them an unexpected freebie. By doing so, you are creating a strong bond that shows how much you value their presence and involvement in your business endeavors.

Selecting the right freebie is essential, as it should be something that is useful and memorable. Your clients will appreciate the effort you put into providing them with an item they can use.

By offering a freebie to those who sign up for your email list, you are able to create a strong bond between yourself and your customers – one that encourages ongoing relationships down the line.

Choose something thoughtful, inspiring, or helpful in order to make the most out of this gesture, ensuring your potential customers feel valued and appreciated from the very start.

Here are a few common types of freebies:

The key is to find a topic that your subscribers strongly resonate with and are happy to provide their email addresses for.

7) Create A Landing Page

When you have your amazing freebie, you want to promote it but if it’s hidden somewhere on your homepage not everybody will find and people will get distracted by everything else going on.

On your landing page, you can introduce your freebie, and tell people what they get to sign up for it. You have to share the link to this page as much as possible.

8) Drive Traffic To Your Freebie

There are a million ways you can promote your freebie, but here are a few of the best:

The worst thing is to spend days creating the freebie and then not spend enough time promoting it.

9) Create A Content Plan

Having a plan is the key to success. First, look up upcoming events you want to promote. Next, plan your newsletters so you’ll know about every event that you can include in your emails. This strategy will prevent any last-minute disaster and prevent sending random, unstructured emails.

Starting an email list might take a little time and effort, but it’s totally worth it if you’re serious about growing your brand or business. When you start to gain loyal fans because your content adds value to their lives, well, that’s an exciting thing indeed.

Why An Email List is so Important?

An email list is important because it provides an effective way to reach and engage with your target audience. An email list allows you to directly contact your subscribers, share updates about new offers or products, as well as build relationships with them.

Having a direct connection with your customers through their inboxes gives you an advantage over other methods of marketing.

You can send messages that are tailored specifically for each customer’s interests and needs – something that isn’t possible with traditional forms of advertising like television commercials or magazine ads.

Plus, since the cost of sending emails is relatively low compared to the potential return on investment (ROI), it makes sense to maintain an email list in order to grow your business.

Another benefit of having an email list is that it allows you to track the performance of your campaigns. You can measure open rates, engagement levels, and click-through rates – all of which provide valuable insights into how effective your messages are.

This data can be used to inform future marketing decisions and help you create more targeted campaigns that will be successful with your subscribers.

Finally, having an email list gives you a platform to build relationships with customers over time.

By staying in touch with them every few weeks or months through newsletters or special promotions, you can cultivate loyalty that leads to repeat business and referrals.

1)Do You Want To Sell Stuff?

Online businesses want to sell their services. A good way to do this is to send an email to existing subscribers’ inboxes from your email list.

2)You’re Creating Relationships

Email is a great way to engage new subscribers and It’s extremely easy for them to reply and start a conversation. Getting your customer service team involved works too as well.

3)You’re Building Trust

Marketing emails build relationships and trust. Prospects on your email list feel comfortable by asking questions through this marketing channel on social media.

4)You Own These Mailing Lists

Businesses own an email list they put together. Other marketing channel options like social media can change policies as they own followers.

How Much Does It Cost To Begin An Email List For Business?

Starting an email list for your business is not costly. For a list of 1,000 addresses and names, you can expect to pay between $200 and $300. This cost includes the software platform to manage your email campaigns as well as services like A/B testing, analytics, email tracking, and more.

Depending on the size of your list and the features you need, the costs may be higher or lower than this range.

Despite these initial costs, however, investing in an email list is often one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available because it’s targeted directly to potential customers who have expressed interest in learning more about your product or service.

In addition to saving money compared to other marketing channels with wider reach (such as television or radio), email list building is also a great way to build relationships and trust with potential customers, as well as a way to engage and acquire new subscribers.

Ultimately, investing in an email list can provide your business with significant long-term value if used correctly. With careful planning, optimizing content over time and strategic use of resources, you’ll ultimately be able to succeed in growing a strong email marketing campaign that generates leads not just once, but for years to come.


Starting an email list in 2023 is a great way to reach potential customers and build relationships with them over time.

It’s one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available, and it allows you to measure your campaign performance and create more targeted emails tailored specifically to each customer’s interests.

Investing in an email list can provide a business with significant long-term value if used correctly, so creating one now can help set you up for success in the future.

With careful planning, optimizing content over time, and leveraging resources strategically, you’ll be able to eventually succeed in growing a strong email marketing campaign that generates leads not just once, but for years to come.

Focusing on building relationships with your subscribers is key to achieving success with your email list. With a little bit of elbow grease and some patience, you’ll soon see the rewards for your efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to build an email list?

It depends on the size of your list and how strategic you are with content and resources. Generally, however, it takes several weeks or months to cultivate a substantial email list.

Is building an email list worth it?

Absolutely! worth it, Investing in an email list can provide your business with significant long-term value if used correctly.

It’s one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available, and it allows you to measure your campaign performance and create more targeted emails tailored specifically to each customer’s interests.

Plus, it can help build relationships with potential customers. With careful planning, optimizing content over time and strategic use of resources, you’ll ultimately be able to succeed in growing a strong email marketing campaign that generates leads not just once, but for years to come.

What is the cost of starting an email list?

The cost of setting up an email list depends on several factors, including the size of your list, the features you require, and which software platform you use.

For a list of 1,000 addresses and names, you can expect to pay between $200-300. However, this is often one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available because it’s targeted directly to potential customers.

Do I need any special software to manage my email list?

Yes, you will need a software platform to manage your email campaigns with features like A/B testing, analytics, email tracking, and more. Depending on the size of your list and the features you require, these costs may be higher or lower than the estimated range.

However, investing in an email list is often one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies available because it’s targeted directly to potential customers who have expressed interest in learning more about your product or service.

Additionally, using specialized software can help you measure your campaign performance and create more targeted emails tailored specifically to each customer’s interests.

What are the best strategies for building an email list?

The best strategies for building an email list include: offering meaningful content (such as discounts or exclusive offers); creating incentives such as free downloads; leveraging social media; and using A/B testing to optimize your emails.

Additionally, it’s important to focus on building relationships with your subscribers and tailor emails to each customer’s interests. This will help ensure that your subscribers stay engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

How can I measure the success of my email list?

The best way to measure the success of your email list is by tracking the number of new subscribers, open rates, and click-through rates.

Additionally, you can track important metrics such as bounce rates and unsubscribes to determine whether or not your emails are resonating with customers.

With this data, you’ll be able to adjust your strategy accordingly and maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

What is the key to successful email marketing?

The key to successful email marketing is building relationships with subscribers through trust and engagement. With a little bit of effort and patience, you’ll soon see the rewards for your efforts.

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