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How Much Does A Freelance Writer Make Per Article?

how much does a freelance writer make per article

If you are determined to go freelance, it’s a very personal choice. No doubt, freelancing has benefited many people looking for ways to earn online.

There are many fields in freelancing you can choose from. From graphic designing to Social Media Management to Freelance writing, you can opt for any skill you want.

If you choose to become a freelance writer, you probably would have many confusions.

You might have gone through some YouTube videos, or you may have scrolled through several blogs and websites, and you may have gotten your answer to questions like how to become a freelance writer and where to start.

But you may still be wondering how you get paid for it. And the most important one. HOW MUCH do freelance writers get paid per article?

In this article, we will cover the most asked question on the internet, i.e., how much does a freelance writer make per article?

We will provide you with the answer to this question with solid case studies and examples that will take you over the moon.

Let’s get started.

How Much Freelance Writers Charge?

The key to understanding how much freelance writers charge depends on various factors. It’s a dynamic job demanding top research, creativity, storytelling, and experience skills.

There are prices everywhere, from pennies per word to hundreds of dollars for an article, so it can be hard to know what’s a reasonable price.

Talking about how much a person gets paid has long been a cultural taboo.

So let’s break the taboo and start the talk with the ways of charging freelancers usually opt for. In general, most freelancers choose the following options to charge:

Let’s dive deep into the details to understand better what will get you over the moon.

1 – Charging Per Project

Charging per project is the most common method freelance writers use. This way, recruiters and freelancers have clarity regarding the project details and evaluate its price.

According to Ashleys Cummings – around 40% of freelance writers prefer to charge per project.

The price can range between $50 to $1500 per long-form article. On the other hand, ebooks, case studies, and writing journals cost, even more, around $2000+.

Similarly, according to data obtained from Peakfreelance, many freelance writers make around $250 to $399 for a 1500 words blog post.

The statistics of Demodia say that writers generally charge around $4500 per white paper.

Per-project pricing means you charge a flat fee for a predefined type of content—something that’s called the “scope” of the project. For example, you may be assigned to write about something related to sports.

Suppose you’re a content writer with over 5-6 years of experience, and then there’s another writer with only 1 year of experience.

You can charge more per project because of that experience if you have the skills to write an article per your clients’ demands.

Now there are a few advantages for freelance writers and their clients likewise. Exciting, right?

When freelance writers charge per project, they focus on the output, not the words they write.

That way, they are not concerned with the number of words their article has but are more focused on the project’s quality, which obviously will also please the client.

2 – Charging per word

If you have just stepped into this field and have no prior experience writing content, you can charge per word because it can be ideal for beginners looking for a simple pricing method.

This way, you promise your clients that you will charge them according to your performance which helps you gain their trust and makes them loyal clients.

Charging per word is beneficial for the writer as well as the client. For clients, it becomes easy for them to lower their costs if they can’t afford it by reducing the word volume.

And how is it going to benefit freelance writers? Charging per word is a great option for freelance writers who write in a specialized niche.

If you’re a specialist in an assigned field, you can ask clients to pay higher per-word rates for your content. Per word rates are also a great alternative for clients who an hourly rate may put off.

Now let’s talk a little about what statistics say.

According to the data obtained from Clearvoice, 14% of writers charge between $0.01 to $0.10 per word, 18% earn between $0.11 to $0.25, 18% make from $0.26 to $0.50, 13% make from $0.51 to $0.75 per word, 25% charge between $0.76 to $1.00 per word, and 12% of writers didn’t use charging per word as their pricing method (smart people, I’d say).

Similarly, Venngage found that most writers make under $0.25 per word.

3- Charging per hour

This pricing method is also used by many freelance writers and is preferred because you can make more money than through a per-word or per-project rate. Wondering how?

Suppose you generally charge $30 for an article as a beginner on a per-project rate; then $30 is all you get, but if you charge $30 an hour and the article takes you three hours to complete, you get $90. Isn’t it amazing?

Charging per hour also strengthens the importance of your time to the client, and your client knows if you spend 3 hours to complete 1 project, you deserve to be charged well.

Now let’s prove the points mentioned above with some statistics.

According to Payscale, US-based freelance writers can make an average of $29 to $30 per hour, but the prices may vary between $14.57 to $72.72.

That Ziprecruiter shows that US-based freelance writers can make up to $30 per hour.

According to Payoneer’s 2020 global freelance income survey, freelance writers earn between $15-$16 per hour.

You might be thinking, “what should I charge my client, and what’d a good hourly rate I could charge?”

The answer to this question is it depends. If you work as a freelance writer in the US or for US-based organizations, your rates could be anywhere from $15 to $30 per hour. But you may have to alter the rates according to your expertise and years of experience.

For example, if you have yet to gain writing experience, this will affect your rates. The same applies to the content types you specialize in, your relationship with your clients, and much more.

Factors that alter the charge per article

Although many businesses and corporations are looking for a freelance writer who can provide them with well-researched, amazingly written, free-of-error articles, a few things can influence your rates per article.

Let’s dive deep into such factors.


The most important factor that comes under our observation is experience. The more experienced a writer is, the more they can charge.

For example, if you are a sports lover and have been writing content for around 10 years, you will have sovereignty in that niche, and clients are more likely to employ you than others.

Having an authority and dynamic portfolio in sports, you can even charge them $100 for a 1000 words article.

Budget of the company

Another factor that plays a very important role in how freelance writers get paid is the company’s budget for the article. A company low on budget pays less for content than a company with a good budget.

Additionally, the article’s length affects the rate per article to a huge extent. The longer the article is, the more you will be paid.

Time invested in the article.

Writing work doesn’t just pertain to writing. Most articles demand research, while some require meetings, affiliations with other freelancers, and much more.

And for this purpose, freelance writers deserve to be paid for all the time they invest into that article. Consider all the time and hard work invested along with the word count while pricing a project.


Some niches get you paid more than others. Isn’t it self-explanatory? Some freelance writers emphasize writing for health and wellness brands, while others only do website copy for SaaS brands.

Many prefer long-form content like case studies and ebooks because they pay better.

How much should you charge?

Now, just because the studies mentioned earlier and the numbers are the averages, it’s sometimes different from what you should charge per article.

For example, if a freelance writer has a degree or has performed in a field for a long time, he is far more experienced than the average person and should be charging more than the average.


All in all, freelance writing is a great mode of earning for people looking for ways to earn online, but many people have a question before stepping into this field: how much does a freelance writer make per article? We hope we answered this query of yours in our article and gave you a crystal clear idea of how freelance writers charge per article.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the hourly rate for freelance writing negotiable?

Yes, it is negotiable depending on your experience and expertise.

What type of content pays the most?

Long-form content like case studies and ebooks usually pays better than shorter articles. Additionally, niches such as health and wellness often pay higher rates than other topics.

What factors affect the pay of a freelance writer?

Experience, the budget of the company, time invested in the article, and niche all play an important role in determining how much a freelance writer should be paid per article.

How do I determine what to charge per article?

Your rate should be based on factors such as your experience level, the length of the article, the budget of the company, and more. Consider all these aspects when pricing a project to ensure a fair rate for both you and your client.

How can I determine how much I should charge for my services?

The best way to decide on your rate is to take into consideration all the factors mentioned above and calculate how much you should be charging based on the market rate, the complexity of the project, and the time and effort invested. Additionally, make sure to create a dynamic portfolio for yourself that shows off your experience in writing.

What if I don’t feel comfortable charging a certain amount?

If you don’t feel comfortable with a given rate per article, it’s best to negotiate it with your client or look for another client who can provide you with an appropriate rate per article. The key is to always ensure that both parties are happy before signing any contract.

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