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Beehiiv Vs Substack: Which Newsletter Tool Is Superior?

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Let’s talk about getting your content in front of as many eyes as possible. It’s all about reach, right?

Growing your audience is crucial. Without readers, your words are just whispers in the wind. Substack and Beehiiv are two heavyweights in the ring, promising to amplify your voice.

But who’s got the better megaphone?

Substack is a seasoned player with a built-in network of readers and a seamless subscription process.

Sounds great, right?

Except there’s a catch: limited customization.

Beehiiv, on the other hand, is the new kid on the block with some serious tricks up its sleeve. It offers advanced segmentation, referral programs, and deeper analytics. More control, more growth.

In the battle for audience reach, Beehiiv outs Substack with its tailored tools to expand your readership.

Overview of Beehiiv and Substack

Beehiiv shines in the realm of flexibility and SEO options. It allows users to tailor their content distribution strategy, whether as a blog post, newsletter, or both, making it a versatile choice for content creators. This platform is SEO-centric, offering robust tools to optimize your content’s search engine performance.

Substack, on the other hand, is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a favourite among many writers and journalists. However, it needs more customization and SEO features. Content published on Substack is automatically shared on the platform, providing limited options for content repurposing and distribution.

While Beehiiv empowers users with a broad array of SEO tools and content delivery options, Substack maintains a more straightforward approach, delivering a seamless writing and publishing experience.

Each platform has its strengths, with Beehiiv catering to those who need more control and SEO capabilities and Substack appealing to those who prefer a straightforward, no-fuss publishing process.

Content Creation Tools

Content creation is the heart and soul of your newsletter. The right tools can distinguish between a polished, engaging newsletter and a chaotic mess.

Substack’s content creation tools? Minimalistic. The editor is clean and straightforward, letting you focus purely on writing. It supports images, videos, and embeds, but that’s about it. No fancy customization no complex formatting options. If simplicity is your game, Substack’s editor will suit you fine. But if you’re looking for bells and whistles, you’ll be left wanting.

Beehiiv, on the other hand, steps up with more robust content creation tools. The editor is not only user-friendly but packed with features. You can craft blog posts, newsletters, or both. Formatting options are extensive, allowing for a more personalized touch to your content. Beehiiv will also enable you to tweak SEO settings directly within the editor – a massive plus for those serious about search engine visibility.

However, both platforms have their quirks. Substack’s bare-bones approach might appeal to purists, but it can feel limiting. Beehiiv offers more flexibility, but some might find the additional options overwhelming.

In the end, if you crave simplicity and ease of use, Substack has you covered. But if you need a bit more muscle in your content creation tools, Beehiiv is the way to go.

Audience Management

Managing your audience is like tending to a garden. Having the right tools to nurture growth and engagement would be best. However, regarding Beehiiv and Substack, the audience management tools leave much to be desired.

Substack’s audience management? Basic at best. You get a subscriber list, basic growth metrics, and simple engagement insights. It’s like having an essential toolkit – enough to get by, but not much more. You can send newsletters and see who opens them, but you’ll be disappointed if you’re looking for advanced segmentation or targeted campaigns.

Beehiiv offers a bit more, but not much. It does provide advanced segmentation options, allowing you to tailor content to different subscriber groups. This feature gives you more control and insight, which can be a game-changer if you leverage it. However, it lacks the depth and sophistication of more specialized email marketing platforms.

Now, let’s be honest. Neither Substack nor Beehiiv will blow you away with their audience management capabilities. They get the job done but don’t expect any magic. Substack’s simplicity might appeal to newcomers, while Beehiiv’s slightly better options cater to those needing more control.

In conclusion, if you want straightforward and no-fuss audience management, Substack is sufficient. If you need more granular control and are willing to navigate a few more options, Beehiiv might give you the slight edge you need.

Monetization Options

Monetization options in newsletter platforms are like golden tickets for content creators. The right features can turn your passion into a profitable venture.

Yet, regarding Beehiiv and Substack, the monetization game isn’t as straightforward as you might hope.

Substack’s monetization? Simple and direct. You can easily set up paid subscriptions, allowing readers to support your work directly. Substack handles the payment processing but takes a 10% cut of your earnings. This can feel like a toll on your profits, but the ease of use and the integrated system make it appealing.

If you want to keep things simple and don’t mind sharing a bit of your revenue, Substack has you covered.

Beehiiv offers more flexibility but at a cost. You can monetize through paid subscriptions, one-time payments, or even donations. Unlike Substack, Beehiiv doesn’t take a cut from your earnings, which is a significant advantage. However, you might need to pay for a higher-tier plan to unlock these features, especially the advanced ones. The flexibility is excellent, but it comes with a price tag.

But let’s not sugarcoat it. Neither platform is perfect. Substack’s 10% fee can be a deal-breaker for some, while Beehiiv’s need for a premium plan to access advanced features can feel like a barrier.

Substack’s simplicity is complicated to beat if you’re starting and want something straightforward.

But if you’re looking to maximize your earnings and don’t mind investing in a premium plan, Beehiiv offers more versatile monetization options.

In the end, both platforms offer viable paths to monetization, but they come with their trade-offs. Choose Substack if you prefer simplicity and can handle the revenue share. Opt for Beehiiv if you want more flexibility and control over your monetization strategy without sharing a cut of your earnings.

Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting are like the secret weapon in your newsletter arsenal.

These insights tell you what’s working and what’s not, guiding your strategy and helping you fine-tune your content. Knowing your open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth can make or break your success.

Substack’s analytics? Basic. You get the essentials: open rates, click rates, and subscriber counts. It’s enough to get a general sense of your newsletter’s performance, but not much more. If you’re looking for detailed insights and in-depth reports, Substack might leave you wanting.

Beehiiv steps up the game with more comprehensive analytics. You get detailed reports on subscriber behaviour, including which posts perform best and how your audience engages with your content. Beehiiv’s analytics offer a deeper dive into your data, allowing you to segment your audience and track performance over time.

However, here’s the kicker: neither platform delivers the robust, enterprise-level analytics that serious marketers crave. But Beehiiv edges out Substack between the two by offering more detailed and actionable insights.

So, if data-driven decision-making is your thing, Beehiiv gives you the tools to dig deeper. But if you’re OK with essential metrics, Substack will do the job. In the end, for those who live and breathe analytics, Beehiiv holds a slight edge but doesn’t expect miracles.


Automation in email marketing is like having an army of robots at your disposal.

These tireless bots send out emails, follow-ups, and reminders – all based on triggers and schedules you set.

They work 24/7, ensuring your subscribers remain engaged and your brand stays top of mind.

Important? Nope. Indispensable!

Yet, Substack and Beehiiv both need to catch up in this area.

Substack’s automation? Laughable. You get one welcome email. That’s it. One. You’re left high and dry after that. Not the grand welcome you’d expect, right? If you were hoping for a series of nurturing emails to keep your subscribers hooked, forget about it. Substack’s bare-bones approach to automation leaves much to be desired.

Beehiiv? Slightly better. They offer automation options only if you fork out for their $99/month plan. And even then, the possibilities are basic. You can set up some automated sequences, but compared to the heavy hitters in the email marketing world, Beehiiv’s automation feels like a half-hearted effort.

Nothing to write home about, especially compared to other autoresponders.

So, Substack and Beehiiv both fall flat on their faces when it comes to automation. They’re not designed for the automation enthusiast who dreams of intricate, multi-step email sequences. They cater to those who can do without elaborate automation setups.

If you need robust automation to drive your email marketing strategy, neither Substack nor Beehiiv will cut it. They’re not up to the task. But if you’re OK with the bare minimum, they might suffice. Just don’t expect miracles.


Integrations are like the lifeblood of any robust email marketing platform. They allow your software to communicate with other tools, making your workflow seamless and efficient.

Important? Nope. Indispensable!

Yet, Substack and Beehiiv both stumble in this department.

Substack’s integrations? Practically nonexistent. No API, no Zapier integration. You’re stuck in a silo, unable to connect your newsletter with other crucial tools in your tech stack. It’s like trying to operate with one hand tied behind your back. If you need to link your newsletter with an online course platform, CRM, or any other software, Substack leaves you hanging.

Beehiiv? Slightly better. They offer an API and Zapier integration, which is a step in the right direction. This makes it easier to connect with other software, giving you more flexibility. However, the options are still limited. Beehiiv’s integrations might get you by but won’t blow you away.

Nothing to write home about, especially compared to platforms known for robust integration capabilities.

So, when it comes to integrations, Substack and Beehiiv both need to catch up. They’re not designed for the integration junkie who wants all their tools to play nicely together. You’ll be disappointed if you need deep and varied integrations to keep your operations running smoothly.

In summary, if integrations are necessary for your email marketing strategy, neither Substack nor Beehiiv will impress. They offer the bare minimum, and in Substack’s case, not even that. But if you can make do with limited connectivity, Beehiiv might edge out Substack, albeit slightly.

Pricing comparison

Let’s talk cash. Money matters, right?

Pricing can make or break your decision when choosing a newsletter platform. It’s not just about the upfront cost but also the value you get for your money.

Substack’s pricing? Enticing and straightforward at first glance. It’s free to use unless you decide to go for paid subscriptions. Once you do, Substack takes a 10% cut of your earnings. This might seem small, but it adds up, especially as your subscriber base grows. Substack’s zero-dollar entry point is attractive, but the revenue share can be a thorn in your side if you start raking in the big bucks.

Beehiiv operates a bit differently. They offer a free tier for up to 2,500 subscribers, which is excellent for beginners. But here’s the kicker – beyond that, you need to move to a paid plan. Beehiiv doesn’t take a cut from your earnings, which is a huge plus. However, the advanced features and automation come at a price, with the top tier hitting $99 monthly. This can be a significant investment if you’re not monetizing your newsletter heavily.

Substack’s free-for-all approach is great until you start monetizing. That 10% cut can sting. Beehiiv, on the other hand, charges a flat rate, giving you more control over your earnings but at a higher upfront cost once you grow.

So, if you want to keep costs low initially and don’t mind sharing a slice of your pie, Substack is your go-to. But if you prefer to keep all your earnings and can handle the monthly fees, Beehiiv might be worth the investment.

In the end, it boils down to your monetization strategy and budget. Substack’s simplicity and lack of upfront costs are appealing, but Beehiiv’s no-commission model could save you more in the long run. Choose wisely.

Substack vs. Beehiiv: The Final Verdict

Let’s wrap it up. Choosing between Substack and Beehiiv isn’t a walk in the park.

Substack’s charm lies in its simplicity. It’s user-friendly, free to start, and great for those who want a straightforward way to publish newsletters and build a community. However, its lack of advanced features like API integrations and limited automation capabilities can be a significant drawback. Plus, that 10% cut from your earnings once you start monetizing? Ouch.

Beehiiv, on the other hand, offers more flexibility. It comes with robust content creation tools, better SEO options, and the ability to integrate with other software through APIs and Zapier. This makes it a more powerful tool for those who want to maximize their newsletter’s potential. But keep your excitement in check – Beehiiv’s advanced features come with a price tag, and its automation, while better than Substack’s, is still pretty basic.

So, what’s the bottom line?

If you’re starting, want to keep things simple, and don’t mind sharing a bit of your revenue, Substack is a solid choice. It’s easy to use and does the job without overwhelming you with options.

But if you’re looking to grow your newsletter, need advanced features, and prefer to keep all your earnings, Beehiiv is the way to go. It offers more control and flexibility, albeit at a higher upfront cost.

In the end, both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses. Your choice will depend on your specific needs, goals, and how much you’re willing to invest – both in money and effort.

Choose wisely, and be happy newsletter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Substack or Beehiiv Better?

It depends on your needs. Substack is ideal for simplicity and community-building without upfront costs. Beehiiv offers more flexibility, advanced features, and better SEO options but comes at a higher price.

What is Better Than Substack?

Beehiiv can be better if you need more control over SEO, advanced content creation tools, and integrations. Other platforms like Mailchimp or ConvertKit might be superior for robust automation and broader marketing capabilities.

Is Substack Better Than Beehiiv?

Substack is better for those who prefer a straightforward, free-to-start platform with easy monetization. Beehiiv excels with advanced features, flexible monetization options, and no revenue sharing, making it better for long-term growth.

Who is Beehiiv’s Competitor?

Beehiiv’s main competitors include Substack, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and Ghost. These platforms offer various features for email marketing, automation, and content creation, catering to different user needs.

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